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Welcome To Kerry's Corner

Coming soon! I'm excited to share this new blog space with you. In an effort to pivot away from the confines of Face Book, where the Sensory Soundness & Herd Dynamics group and community has become cumbersome to navigate thanks to too much FB AI and spam. I thought it was time we exercise our own intelligence!

As I learn to drive this new section of my website I hope you will join with me as we continue this journey of discovery into Sensory Soundness, Herd Dynamics and beyond. I will not only share thoughts and happenings here on my work with horses but also this will my space to share more of personal myself, upcoming events, thoughts on many topics such as the planned courses; you can keep updated on the progress of the lessons as I write them and the many projects both planned and ongoing. I hope to post content weekly much like I was accustomed to doing on FB, and I hope you will join me here and tell your friends. I'd love to hear from you, feel free to let me know you've stopped by! Thank you~ Kerry


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1 коментар

Design ByDaphne
Design ByDaphne
14.08.2023 г.

Thank you Kerry. Looking forward to reading more.

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